Cold calling methods vary from person to person. Everyone has a different approach to getting in the door with prospects. Some real estate agents believe in leaving ZERO voicemails to sales prospects, while others prefer to leave numerous over a span of time.
There isn’t a right or wrong way of reaching out to sales prospects. However, there are various ideas and methods for making headway with prospects.
The first step: Differentiating a suspect from a prospect
Recognizing the difference between a suspect and a sales prospect is the first step. A suspect is someone who you think could do business with you. This individual gives you no indication that they want what you have to offer, and it’s the job of the sales representative to find out more.
On the other hand, a sales prospect is someone you know can do business with you at some point, because they ask questions and agree to meet either in person or over a video call.
Spending time with the right people matters. Sales is not about pitching to everyone at all times and seeing what sticks, but rather about focusing your energy the right way on those who are most likely to buy.
Be natural and curb your enthusiasm
Once sales prospects are clearly defined, the use of cold-calling scripts play a significant role in getting in the door. Presenting yourself naturally makes a ton of difference in the response and callback rate.
The purpose of the cold call is to get a next step in the sales process. It is NOT to provide a ton of information to digest all at once. It is NOT to close a deal. So, remember, excitement to move forward with prospects must be kept in check.
Cold-calling scripts you can try now
Here are two examples of effective cold-calling scripts:
1. “Hello, my name is [your name], and I am a local real estate agent. I wanted to reach out because I recently sold a property at [recent sale address] and noticed that your property at [your property address] is similar in size and location.”
This example demonstrates the importance of providing non-threatening, worthwhile information to the potential prospect. Sharing general information informs the prospect about what is going on in their neighborhood. Most people would appreciate knowing.
2. “Hello, my name is [your name], and I’m reaching out because I recently sold a property down the street from you at [recent sale address]. It’s a great area with a lot of interest at the moment and the properties are selling for great prices. Out of interest, have you thought about how much your home is worth? Or, have you ever thought about moving at some point?”
This script provides information and excitement to the potential prospect. Cold calling works best when you read the situation at hand, and the only way to do so is to listen, take notes and feel the person out. This means matching and mirroring the vocal tone and energy of the person on the other end of the line, which is a true skill. Ask yourself, “Does Sam speak fast or slow?” or, “Is he detail-oriented and conservative?” The more you pick up, the more you can alter your approach.
Turning cold calls into warm conversations
The idea is to eventually make calls without a script. Real estate agents can benefit greatly from having a strong CRM system that prompts them to make the next call on a specific date, and even at a specific time. Follow-up calls make cold calling effective because now the calls are warm. Warmer conversations allow prospects to relax and not feel “sold to.”
Cold calling is one of the most traditional forms of marketing, and when done properly, respecting the DNCL (Do Not Call List) regulations, much business can be found. When I make cold calls daily, I pay attention to vocal tone, level of enthusiasm and other cues that tell me where the individual is at, mentally. This comes with years of doing it and practice. The only way to get good is to keep practicing!
Get a copy of my new eBook: Transform Your Sales Approach: More Than Just A Cold Call. Click here;
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