Does balance even exist in business …?
Balancing long hours in real estate with personal demands can be challenging. Focusing on high-impact tasks can drive your business forward and spend your time wisely. Time blocking also works well. By scheduling specific blocks of time for client meetings and administrative work, business owners gain back personal time.
Back to the question…
I ask the question, “Does work-life balance even exist?” because most high achievers swear by long hours and being obsessed with their goal until they reach it. In other words, they are extremists. Balance doesn’t exist in their world because they DON’T want it to. Perhaps it exists in those who remain “mediocre” or “comfortable” which is where the majority of people are. High achievers are obsessed with details, and surpassing their numbers.
A great measure of success is taking a snapshot of where you are today, where you were last year and years prior to then. If you remain in the same spot than some behavior has to change. First, achieving work-life balance may be of no concern to high achievers in business.
High achievers expect to win. They have high standards which can lead them to work longer. Second, their drive for perfection can lead to overworking. Instead of giving up on high standards, learning to delegate tasks will be crucial.
I believe there are good aspects of NOT achieving work-life balance just because of the unique drive and excitement for what one does everyday. What balances one person may NOT do the same for the next. We are all different. If you fall into the small percentage that stand out from the norm, that could be a good thing. Conversely, it would make sense to know your own limits and set your own boundaries. Recognize where you are and act accordingly. Downtime can be scheduled if needed.
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